ack sure I’m calm (i seek clinical debate)

by in_earth

Posted to Utterances on 2003-07-25 12:11:00

Parent message is 490351
Calm as the untouched snow Oz. I’m just thristy for a philosophical debate is all. I know all of what you say, and I truly believe its all different for everybody but its nice, from time to time, to pit these differences against each other, for no other reason but to exercise them. All expression is a form self-propaganda anyway, and sometimes i place a lot of value on the text’s conversion-effect. However, right now, today, I seek no such thing – i simply seek the joyous disinterest of reason, dissociated from the restrictive effect of personalisation. i seek clinical debate.

The Literary Kicks message boards were active from 2001 to 2004.